Solar installations are electrical installations and as such are regulated by the Electrical Installation Regulations, 2009 just like regular electrical COCs. As such, the same rules apply. This means that a solar COC is also only valid for 2 years, and is transferable during the 2 year period, provided that no modifications were made to the installation from date of issue.
Any contractor who installs a solar system, including the actual powering of the building and the installation of solar panels, must be an Installation Electrician or Master Installation Electrician who is accredited with the Department of Labour and must provide the client with their valid accreditation certificate.
Whenever an electrician installs a solar system, they are required to provide a COC that covers the Solar installation by means of a test report confirming that it is safely installed and compliant with legislation.
A solar COC will usually be separate from the main electrical COC and both must be provided to the conveyancers before registration.