Section 63(1) of the Property Practitioners Act 22 of 2019 read with regulation 35(1) of the Property Practitioners Regulations 2022, declares that the business practice of property practitioners paying accreditation fees to any body corporate or home owner’s association is undesirable and therefore prohibited.
This undesirable practice includes any arrangement which grants the paying property practitioner certain exclusive rights, while non-paying property practitioners are excluded from being able to access or provide services in such a complex or estate.
A property practitioner is guilty of sanctionable conduct if they take part in such prohibited practices and the PPRA has the discretion to impose a fine or to deregister the involved property practitioner.
The PPRA has penalised offending practitioners recently in terms hereof. It is our understanding that a number of agencies has approached relevant associations and boards to assist them for the way forward, and to be able to continue with their business in complexes and estates. Once more information in this regard becomes available, we shall advise accordingly.