Corporate & Commercial Law

Huge inroads have been made by the corporate team of JJR Inc. in bringing high calibre commercial advice to large corporate entities, entrepreneurs, start-up businesses and agricultural clients.

Focus Areas

The following fields within the Corporate and Commercial department of JJR Inc. are covered:

  • Negotiating drafting of all commercial agreements
  • Banking law
  • Registration of trusts
  • Company Registration and secretarial work
  • MOI Implementation and compilation, Act 71 of 2008
  • Corporate restructuring
  • Business rescue applications
  • Competition and anti-trust law
  • Takeovers, mergers and acquisitions
  • Tax law
  • Insolvency law
  • Black Economic Empowerment transactions
  • Due diligence investigations
  • Competition law
  • Corporate finance and structuring
  • Trademark applications and IP protection
  • Bank foreclosures


Transactions which the Corporate & Commercial department of JJR Inc. has facilitated


Advice and all commercial agreements of cross border share acquisition by USA based investor fund into RSA based socio economic cultural village development entity. Transaction value: R25 million; Various sale of share / members interest and business agreements and associated agreements with transaction values ranging between R1,2 million to R15 million.

Import and Export

Business acquisition transaction for import and distribution of commercial diesel plant. All business and commercial as well as risk and operational agreements.

Transaction value: R100 million. Competition authority advice and filing of merger documents;

Private Equity Fund

Myriad of Mezzanine finance transactions for private equity fund for development and bridging transactions. Transaction value ranging from R800k to R5 million (all risk agreements including suretyship, cessions, subrogation and immovable property securitization for transaction). Advice on risk and compliance to NCA and CPA.


Advise clients in fertiliser industry regarding the lodgement of complaint through Competition Commission and facilitating consent order through Tribunal;


Property portfolio acquisition – sale of business agreement drafting and advice.
Transaction value R150 million.


Structuring and implementation of Unbundling of share scheme for Multi-Net Civils (Pty) Ltd. Transaction value: R80 million;

Department Leads

Corporate & Commercial Law

The Corporate and Commercial department of JJR Inc. is headed by Mr. JJ Jacobs with the assistance of various associates skilled in the field.