Subpoena Duces Tecum

Do you know what the legal term subpoena duces tecum mean and what the…

Marked and Marketed: the Protection of Business Trademarked Products

In this day and age, consumers tend to trust brands they know over trying…

What the Emoji – Contractual Liability with a “Thumbs-Up”

The old principle of being careful of what you say holds water in a Canadian…

Constructive Dismissal

Constructive dismissal sounds at first as if it could not be that bad.…

The Alternatives to Going to Court – Arbitration as a Dispute Resolution Method

During the course of business, every person is faced with resolving an issue or…

Medical Negligence

When medical practitioners perform their duties and things go wrong in the…

Slip & Fall Claims

Everyone slips and trips every now and again, slipping and falling is a common…

Business Rescue

Chapter 6 of the Companies Act 2008 (Act 71 of 2008) provides for the efficient…

Contracts, Freedom and Other Important Terms and Conditions

The point of departure for most contracts is that you have the freedom of…